Thursday, 17 May 2012

Your Face on Winx Club 100?

In preparation for the 100th edition of the Italian Winx Club comic magazine, a 16 character code can be found in the 98th issue. With this code, you can gain access to a new mini-game where you can create your own issue 100 cover. Judging by the picture above, does that mean you can put your face over Bloom's? It seems like it. I bet that this is a good way to put your own fan character's face if you are not so artistically inclined. Either way, you can create your Winx Club magazine cover.

For those of you who do not live in Italy, you can buy issue 98 on for 4.50 euros before shipping to get the code. Issue 98's comic is called "Return to the Amazon." (Doesn't that seem like the perfect way to bring in a Huntik character?)

In other news, Nick is sending out casting calls for actors/models to portray Bloom, Stella and Aisha for a meet and greet event. More details here.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Bloom's Harmonix

A full preview of Bloom's new harmonix transformation for season five is available on Rainbow's Youtube channel.

I get disturbed by how long Bloom's hair gets longer and longer every season in her transformations. Other than that, I'm curious to know how these transformations will look like animated. I was very sceptical about enchantix in season three because I did not think that it would look well animated. (I was somewhat right when it came to fighting in mini-dresses.)

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Harmonix/Sirenix Dolls

I am not sure which form these dolls are supposed to be exactly, but since harmonix is supposed to come before sirenix, I will assume that these are harmonix dolls.

Smoby will be selling these dolls in France. Hopefully, they'll come out this fall to coincide with the release of season five. See more Winx Club dolls from Smoby here.

Do the PopPixie pixie wings not come to mind when you look at the harmonix wings? The new wing designs have in a whole new direction for the show. Inside of making decorated wings, they seem to have decided to take a simple wing and layer it many times in different colours. It might feel like a step back, but I actually do not mind. I like the simple designs.

As for the whole concept of being fairies with aquatic powers, I'm still not positive about it.

(By the way, I'm trying out Imgur to upload the pictures onto one album rather than separate entries onto Blogger, because it makes the blog entry too long and difficult to manage. What do you think?)

Monday, 14 May 2012

"The Wizards of the Black Circle" Episode Available on Nick

Nick made the first episode of season four available online on their site a few days ago. Enjoy!

I'm super glad that they made them "teaching assistants" and not actual teachers at Alfea. Like the new changes that Nick made? Hate them? Talk about it in the comments!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

"Hall of Enchantments" Clip

Nick has uploaded a preview clip of the scene in the Hall of Enchantments ("Hall of Magic" in Rai English) where Headmistress Faragonda explains what believix is.