They are not releasing the comics in the same order as the Italian ones, but to give you an idea, they are starting with the comics around Issues #60 to present. Issues before #60 are being reprinted in a hardcover book form by Panini Kids. Prior to Panini Kids, it was �ditions Carabas that published the comics in France.

(These are the ones that I have.)?
Alongside with the regular Winc Club magazine are two other magazine series that publish the comics: Winx Club Jeux and Winx Club G�ant, Game and Giant respectively. Game publishes crosswords, word searches, quizzes, etc with a comic while Giant publishes 144 pages of comics and games (a regular issue is about 70 pages; Giant probably has two comics in it). The regular series is printed every month, Game, every two months and Giant, every three months and they all cost the same price about.
The magazine stand that I bought these comics are in Montreal at Carrefour Agrignon (7077, boulevard Newman, LaSalle) at Tabagie Gateway. The reprints can be bought or specially ordered at any Indigo or Renaud-Bray store. If you know more places where you can buy the comics, feel free to send an email with the address and it will be published with a credit to you.
On a side note, the Maya Fox series by Iginio Straffi and Silvia Brena is also available in Qu�bec (and thus Canada) in French.
Scanning the Comics
No, I cannot scan the comics, not because I do not have the means, but because it infringes on copyright. According to the copyright statement in the magazines, "All rights reserved in all countries. No part of this magazine can be reproduced or transmitted in any manner or form, including mechanically and electronically, online or offline, without the written autorisation of Panini S.A."
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