Monday, 26 September 2011

Rainbow at MIP COM with Season 5 Poster

Poster from Winx Club Episodios

If you will remember correctly from an article posted by La Reppublica in October 2010, Straffi mentioned, "�The Winx will confront the oil catastrophe in New Orleans�" (Translated by the Oblivious Prattler.)

By my guess (and by looking at the sea shell tiara on Bloom's head), there will be an underwater theme to the new transformation!

MIP COM is an annual media expo much like the Las Vegas Licensing Expo. MIP COM will be held from October 3 to 6, 2011 in Cannes, France and Rainbow will have a booth (booth R33.01). (Rainbow is a confirmed exhibitor for MIP COM.)

Oh my God, this is exciting!

(However, do not discount the possibility that this might some really good fanart with some really good research. Until further notice, I'm considering this official.)

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